End of Life Planning
As a life draws to a close, there are a lot of moving parts to consider, both spiritual and logistical. Legacy needs to be considered and projects planned, the environment around you and who you have with you, who you want to have speak for you and about you after you’re gone. All of these things are small cogs in the larger clockwork that is winding down.
Services in End of Life Planning can include:
Legacy Projects - These can be anything that is meaningful to you and you’d like to pass a physical thing like a recipe book, or letters to those you want to impart wisdom to. We will work together to take stock of a lifetime of experience and fashion a legacy project that speaks to you and what you would like to leave behind.
Environment Planning - To some people being surrounded by friends and family in their final hours seems like the perfect situation, to others it would be the absolute last thing they would want. In this planning, we will work through what sort of environment you’d like around you, from the people, the place, and meaningful possessions or rituals you’d like around you. There is no right or wrong where this is concerned, but there is wrong for you and your needs. With a plan in place, your support circle will know exactly what is going to bring you the most comfort.
Respite Plans - As disease progresses and a life winds down, the workload and logistics on caregivers increase quickly and exponentially. Time to centre themselves and recharge is needed, but in the moment the question “what do you need me to do?” becomes dreaded as it’s one more thing for an overloaded brain to figure out. Respite plans can help with this by having a plan of helpers that can provide some time off, cook a meal, mow the lawn, and other small things. We can fashion flexible plans that take away the decision fatigue of a hundred small decisions so that caretakers can concentrate on the important things like taking care of you and themselves.
Logistical Plans - These plans can cover things like keeping track of what cherished items you would like to go to certain people, writing out a pet care plan for the person that will be taking care of yours, and other plans for physical items that need to go from one place to another. We will go over plans not covered in wills to make sure that nothing gets overlooked.
Obituary and Eulogy Writing or Editing - Have you ever read an obituary and thought ‘damn, I wish I’d known them.’? More than likely it’s because the obituary was written by the person themself, or by someone close to them that could distill a life concisely and interestingly. Having been a freelance editor, I can either help you create or simply edit for you.
Funeral/Celebration of Life Planning - Do you want a traditional funeral or a celebration of life? Who do you want to speak? Are there certain things you do want incorporated? Are there things, like that picture that is never to see the light of day, you absolutely do not want as part of your service? We’ll work together to make sure that whatever you choose, it’s individual to you and a reflection of your life.
Document & Digital Life Planning - This is where all the paperwork and accounts that are part of your life get organized and plans figured out for who is going to close down and administer them for you. Things to consider are your email accounts, digital subscriptions, transferring your Facebook account to a memorial page. If you have pets that are going to be cared for by people you’ve asked, we can make sure that they have all the information they need to take the best care of them in your absence.
Medical Assistance in Dying(M.A.I.D.) Planning Support - It’s a hard decision to make and there are a lot of hurdles to get there, but utilizing M.A.I.D. makes planning even more important. I can hold space for you and help with any or all of the organization above with no judgement or prejudice.
These services are starting points in what can be done. You are in control of what you want and my job is to help that happen. If you have other planning you’d like done, we’ll discover that during our discussions, or you can bring it to me at any point and we will get it done.
You are in charge of your experience.